About the Artist
Jeanne Anderton’s photographs include a wide range of subject matter. From moments of everyday life; light filling a room, the arrangement of objects on a table to the position of a woman crossing the street, her work speaks to the ability of photography to capture time. Her images range from traditional landscapes, culture and lifestyles, travel, and structures threatened by changing populations to painterly images with color and motion. Her emotional tableaus address issues including women’s rights, feminism, personal challenges, illness, and death while referencing contemporary subjects or current events. Anderton uses an assortment of mediums to create her work from conventional black and white or color film materials, 19th-century alternate photographic processes, digital imagery using traditional and non-traditional mediums including fabric and polycarbonate. The work ranges in size from miniatures to large-scale presentations and installations.Featured Work

Featured Work: Photos
Oculus, New York, NY
VanDyke process photographic print
Oculus, New York, NY, VanDyke photograph
Losing Wait
Digital photograph printed on canvas with acrylic medium brushwork
Science of Perspectives series: Digital photograph printed on canvas with acrylic medium brushwork
Artifact series: Versailles, France, 6/16
Cyanotype photograph
Artifact series: Versailles, France, 6/16. The Artifact series is a collection of photogram images utilizing small litter found at various tourist locations. Cyanotype photograph.
What he left, table
Cyanotype photograph
What he left, table, Cyanotype photograph
David, Rome, Itlay
VanDyke process photographic print
VanDyke photograph, edition of 5
It Is....Art of the Con
Wet plate collodion on mica
One image from the It Is..... series created in response to COVID and current events. It Is... Art of the Con is a unique Wet plate collodion image on mica, mounted with silver wire on black PVC
For Sale
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