Michel Demanche

Drawing, Multimedia, Photography, Visual / Media

I present several of the images from the series "The Yellow King"and "The Yellow King 2.0. "The Yellow King” invites viewers into a collage journey that weaves together fragmented narratives, evoking a haunting exploration of our society's darkest shadows. Through the juxtaposition of bones, intricate drawings of birds, gourds, hats, and other objects as symbols; politics, bigotry, and racism, unravels within the enigmatic tales of the Yellow King.

About the Artist

My artistic process is considered by many as postmodern.  I choose a variety of materials and techniques often based on narrative association.  I choose to put these materials together in collage.  Using collage and multimedia techniques I capture visual memories.  These can be brought to a viewer in the form of photography, drawing, painting, written word, as a collective of symbols.  Most of my works incorporate imagery arranged to convey the narrative.

Michel Demanche website michel demanche website

Artist's Statement

 The Yellow King:2.0 continues the narrative of “The Yellow King”.  The newer works Intertwine with the visual motifs of the “The Yellow King “through intricate grid patterns, meticulously crafted to delineate the boundaries between the realms of the real and the imaginary. These grids serve as metaphors for the barriers that separate us from one another, highlighting the pervasive divisions that perpetuate strife and alienation. 

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