About the Artist

Gita worked as a television and radio host in New Delhi and wrote for the Press Institute of India as well as several magazines and a news service before moving to North America in 1976. Gita participated in Shankar’s Annual International Children’s Art Competitions and Shankar’s On-The-Spot Competitions from the age of 6. She won many art and essay prizes as a child and teenager. She has a Bachelor’s and a Master’s in English Literature from Delhi University. After finishing high school she briefly studied art at the renowned Triveni Kala Sangam in Delhi under the tutelage of Mr. R. Broota, a highly acclaimed Indian artist. In the DC metro area she worked in IT for SAIC and Leidos for 19 years. In 2002 she started painting after a break of over 30 years. Empowered Women International exhibited Gita's paintings several times in Virginia and DC. The Upakar Foundation exhibited Gita's paintings in Maryland. She sold her paintings at the South Asian Bar Association of North America auction in DC in July 2017. Her art work was the subject of an article entitled "The Stories of Spiritual Joy, Agony, and Ecstasy" by Dr. Meenakshi Mohan in the magazine "Confluence" in August 2017.

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Artist's Statement

Gita combines color and texture on canvas to sweep emotions and insight into a bold, evocative, sensation. Gita’s compositions bring forth the harsh wrath and glorious beauty of nature in deep resonant colors filtered through meditative calm. She creates by applying oil paints directly to the canvas and adds texture by blending in net-like silk fabric, hand-made paper, and straw-like packing material. Gita’s canvases are generally large, 38” X 50” and enhance a room with a striking poetic statement.

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