A large group of people stand on a sidewalk.
Bromo Art Walk in the Bromo Arts District. (Baltimore City)


Learn How MSAC Programs Advance the Arts in Maryland

  • Arts & Entertainment Districts

    Maryland’s Arts & Entertainment (A&E) Districts help develop and promote community involvement, tourism, and revitalization through tax-related incentives.
  • Arts Capital

    In 2021, the Maryland General Assembly passed legislation allocating $3,000,000 per year for five years (FY24-FY29) to be distributed by as grants to
  • Arts in Education

    The Arts in Education (AiE) program promotes and strengthens lifelong learning in the arts across Maryland's schools and communities.
  • Arts Relief General Operating Support

    The Arts Relief general operating support (ARGOS) program was offered in FY 2023 (July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023) only, as the result of a one-time
  • County Arts Agencies

    MSAC's support of county arts agencies nurtures local arts activities across Maryland.
  • Creativity Grants

    Creativity Grants support activities and general operations for Independent Artists and Organizations.
  • Grants for Artists

    The purpose of the Grants for Artists program is to contribute to the sustainability of artists’ livelihoods by providing funds that support working or living expenses.
  • Grants for Organizations

    Grants for Organizations (GFO) provide operating support that strengthen and sustain Maryland's arts infrastructure.
  • Independent Artist Awards

    The Independent Artist Network is a statewide network of artists who have access to resources, professional development, and additional opportunities to connect further with artists and partners for future collaboration.
  • Land Acknowledgements

    A land acknowledgement statement can be a powerful starting place. Use the process of creating and delivering land acknowledgements to learn more
  • Maryland Traditions

    Maryland Traditions, the State's traditional arts program, identifies, documents, supports, and presents traditional arts.
  • Poet Laureate

    The Maryland Poet Laureate The Poet Laureate of Maryland is an honorary State position. The selected poet serves at the discretion of the Governor for
  • Poetry Out Loud

    A literary arts program created by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the Poetry Foundation, Poetry Out Loud encourages the mastery of great poetry through memorization, performance, and competition in students across Maryland.
  • Presenting and Touring

    The Maryland Presenting and Touring Program supports a rich and artistically diverse network of professional artists and performing arts organizations.
  • Professional Development

    MSAC supports the arts sector’s professional development needs through the Professional Development Opportunity grant program, described under the
  • Public Art

    MSAC's Public Art Across Maryland Program promotes and supports the inclusion of art in the everyday experiences of Marylanders.
  • Special Requests

    Special Requests support needs of arts organizations and programs that fall outside of the eligibility of MSAC’s established grant programs.