About the Artist

Gregory W. Blank Photographer Education: Catonsville Community College (Associate of Arts in Photography, 1988). The Photographer works in film format sizes 35mm through 8x10 & has used large format cameras to capture landscape images since 1988. The photographer prints his own work using traditional (wet darkroom) methods. Selected Exhibitions and Permanent collections: "Seeing the Light"-A National Juried Show at the National Cathedral. One piece selected. Culture and Agriculture 2004 National Juried Show at the New Visions Gallery. One piece selected for publication of show catalog. Selected as a "Maryland Contemporary Artist 2000" designated by Maryland Office of Special Projects. One piece selected for group showing in Exhibit two. Publications & Awards: Baltimore: Life in the City 2001. Two images selected for book publication, Introduction by Barry Levinson. Baltimore Magazine, Meridans magazine, PhotoVision Magazine,View Camera & Maryland Life Magazines. Projects have included historical documention of the Carroll County Arts council Theatre renovation, as the designated offical photographer. Please visit his website for more information-

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Artist's Statement

My statement is found in my work.

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