Jose Miguel Mangual

Dance, Fiction, Literary, Music / Sound, Performance, Poetry

About the Artist

Driven by his desire to provide opportunities for aspiring Jose Magual Jr. Biography   Jose Mangual Jr. was born in Brooklyn, New York on June 2, 1963. At the tender age of 7, he began his journey into the world of dance at the Fred Astaire School of Dance. By 8, he exhibited an innate talent for percussion instruments, particularly the congas, performing with remarkable skill that belied his age. Growing up surrounded by music, he joined his uncle's band and discovered his passion for songwriting and poetry at just 15 years old.  Despite becoming a father at a young age, Jose remained steadfast in pursuing his dreams. He completed his education at Dewitt Clinton High School and later attended the Music and Art School in New York City, all while juggling various jobs to support his family. His dedication paid off when he formed the band Traffic Jam, which released the single "Do the Nasty" on Twin Towers Records.  His career took a significant turn when he landed a position at Uptown Records as a publicity manager for Christopher Williams during their monumental releases of artists like Father MC, Guy, Christopher Williams, Mary J. Blige, and Heavy D. Jose's passion for promoting artists led him to explore online marketing and promotion, where he became involved with A&R on Line, one of the pioneering companies in online artist promotion.  artists, Jose founded You Never Know Promotions, one of the first hip-hop open mic promotion companies. Through this venture, he organized events that provided platforms for new talents to be discovered and signed by major record labels.  His proudest moment came when his son, under his guidance as father and manager, secured a major record deal at just 15 years old. Through his extensive network in the music industry, Jose expanded his reach to Georgia, where he embarked on a mission to uncover the rich musical history of Macon, eventually creating the documentary "The Lost City of Music."  Deeply invested in making a positive impact, Jose initiated Project Make a Difference, a program aimed at assisting troubled youth in transitioning into productive members of society. Through his dedication and influence, countless children have been empowered to become outstanding individuals contributing to their communities. Today, Jose Mangual Jr. continues to be a driving force in both the music industry and community outreach. His passion for nurturing talent and fostering positive change has remained unwavering. After the coronavirus in 2020, he moved to Frederick Maryland and He actively collaborates with artists, producers, and industry professionals, leveraging his expertise and connections to create opportunities for emerging talents.  In addition to his work in music promotion and artist development, Jose remains committed to the success of Project Make a Difference. The program continues to impact the lives of troubled youth, providing them with the support and resources needed to overcome challenges and realize their full potential.  As a respected figure in the industry, Jose's influence extends far beyond his accomplishments. He serves as a mentor and inspiration to aspiring musicians and entrepreneurs, imparting valuable insights and guidance gleaned from his journey.  Whether he's organizing events, producing music, or leading initiatives for social change, Jose Mangual Jr. remains dedicated to making a lasting and meaningful impact on both the music industry and the lives of those he touches. His legacy serves as a testament to the power of perseverance, passion, and compassion in shaping a brighter future for generations to come.