Kate Cashman

About the Artist

I have loved drawing as long as I can remember.   Starting at age ten, I took art lessons from Anne T. Balbernie in Wayne, Pennsylvania from 1972-1978. It was a great experience.  I began working in graphite, pen and ink, charcoal and scratchboard.  The year of working in black and white gave me an early appreciation of light and shadow.  I then moved onto soft pastel.  Working in pastels is what really gave me my love for color and mixing colors. The move to painting with oils was a very exciting transition for me.  I knew, at thatfirst moment, I wanted to be a fine artist and painter when I grew up.  I went on to study art daily through high school, my teachers, including Balbernie, urged me to be a painting major.  Visions of a starving artist caused me to choose a marketable degree in Interior Design.   I went on to study at Moore College of Art in Philadelphia. The experience was incredible. The course of studies was rigorous; we all constantly ate, drank and slept art.   The learning in all subjects was amazing.  Many of the lessons reinforced what I had learned many years prior from Anne T. Balbernie.  I worked full time as an Interior Designer for twenty years, I was ready for a change. Teaching came my way, rather by accident, and I love every class I teach.  Life takes many turns.  I am now able to have the best of both worlds.  I have time to paint and create my art as well as teach art to many students year round at my studio, Random Juxtaposition in Berlin.  I am right back to eating, drinking and sleeping art.

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Artist's Statement

Artist Statement: Every morning I wake up and I can’t believe I live here. Every drive has amazing vistas of farms, fields or water. My obsession with color is happily challenged by the seasonal changes provided for my palette. The Eastern Shore has the highest, unobstructed skies I have ever seen, offering incredible color, light and visual excitement. I try to keep the pigments pure and spontaneous, like nature. I don’t feel it’s necessary to have a degree in art to be a painter, although learning the art and its history, enables me to feel so connected to the founders of fine arts, the earth and the pigments I use every day. I hope you enjoy my paintings as much as I enjoy painting them.

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