Kaylyn Garcia

Literary, Paper / Book / Illustration, Poetry, Visual / Media

My children's book 'Fristers' was written shortly after i experienced the loss of my best friend of 15 years in May 2021. She was the mother of a wonderful 6 year old girl. While going through the trials and tribulations of losing someone so close, not only to me, but to her daughter, it pushed me to use my sadness and grief to turn it into something beautiful. Coming from a small town, I have received outpouring support and love from members of my community. In a short amount of time, Fristers has became a series with a total of 2 books published and 6 awaiting publication. Fristers is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble in both Ebook and paperback.  It is in my future, that i hope to start turning my books into ebook cartoons.

About the Artist

Join me on a heartwarming adventure in my childrens book series 'Fristers' as I share the power of love and loss. A tale of friendship, courage, and finding light in the darkest moments. 

Kaylyn Garcia website SOMD news article Kaylyn Garcia website Fristers :Lost and Found Kaylyn Garcia website Fristers

Featured Work


Booking Price: $500-$1,000

Kaylyngarcia4@gmail.com | 443-900-6751

Domestic travel throughout the United States | 20 Day Notice

Kelly Mcconkey with Calvert County's Board of Education: Kellydmcconkey@aol.com