About the Artist
Lisa Battle is an artist who creates a distinctive style of abstract sculptures by handbuilding with stoneware clay. She explores form and line in three-dimensional space, inspired by patterns created in nature through wind and water erosion, and the graceful arching movements of dance. As a viewer moves around the work, the lines advance and recede, giving an undulating sense of movement. The subtle surface treatments of her work are derived from atmospheric firing techniques, including wood firing in a multi-chambered Noborigama kiln and pit firing. Lisa began working with clay after completing a masters’ degree in psychology. She is represented at Studio Gallery in Washington, DC; Scope Gallery in Alexandria, VA, and Windham Find Arts in Windham, NY. Her sculptures are shown in juried exhibitions in the Washington, DC and New York metro areas, including several shows at the Brooklyn Waterfront Artists’ Coalition, juried by curators from The Metropolitan Museum of Art and MoMA. She was also featured in the American Women Artists exhibition in Tennessee in 2022. Lisa lives and works in Maryland, where she is a member of the wood fire community at Monocacy River pottery near Frederick, Maryland. She is a former trustee of the Baltimore Clayworks, and a member of the board of the Washington Sculptors’ Group.Lisa Battle, Ceramic Sculptor website Artist's website Lisa Battle, Ceramic Sculptor website Studio Gallery
Featured Work

Featured Work: Photos
"Ritual" Ceramic Sculpture
Handbuilt from stoneware clay, sprayed glaze, wood fired to cone 10 in Noborigama kiln
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"Affinity" Ceramic Sculpture
Abstract ceramic sculpture, handbuilt from stoneware clay, sprayed glaze, wood fired to cone 10 in Noborigama kiln
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"Memory II" Ceramic Sculpture
Abstract ceramic sculpture, handbuilt from stoneware clay, sprayed glaze, wood fired to cone 10 in Noborigama kiln
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"Sanna" Ceramic Sculpture
Abstract ceramic sculpture, handbuilt with stoneware clay, sprayed glaze, wood fired in Noborigama kiln.
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"Through the Garden Gate" Ceramic Wall Sculpture
Wall installation made up of 22 pieces, wood fired ceramic
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"Rebirth" Ceramic Sculpture
Handbuilt from stoneware clay, sprayed glaze, wood fired
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