Nicole Simone Buchholz

Painting, Public Art, Visual / Media

About the Artist

Nicole Buchholz is an urban planner and muralist who specializes in joyful public space activation. She is passionate about creating beautiful and inclusive spaces for the community and has co-led and designed neighborhood pool transformations in Philadelphia and Baltimore, and designed and painted several murals throughout the South Baltimore area. She has spoken about public engagement and co-design at Project for Public Spaces and City Parks Alliance’s annual conferences. Raised by a Mexican mother and a Venezuelan father, Nicole was exposed early on to the vibrant colors of Latin America. Backpacking through Central and South America furthered her love of bright colors and patterns that infuse her work. Her formal training is in sociology, and environmental policy, and she received her MS in Urban Planning from Columbia University. She believes that public art brings joy and creates a platform for long-term investment in our public spaces. Nicole lives in Baltimore City with her adventurous husband and three rambunctious boys.

Nicole Simone Buchholz website Sol Raya Public Space