About the Artist
EDUCATION: New York University - NYC Santa Fe College - Santa Fe, NM Maryland Institute College of Art - Baltimore, MD Conrad-Miller Academy of Fine Arts - Baltimore, MD EXHIBITIONS: 1986 - Cartouche Gallery - Baltimore, MD 1988, 1989, 1991, 1993 - Retro Vintage - Baltimore, MD 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007,2009 - Axis Mundi - Santa Fe, NM 2012 - The Art House - Baltimore, MD 2013 - 2014 - RAW - Baltimore, MD 2014, 2015 - Creative Alliance - Baltimore, MD AWARDS: FASO International Competition - Most Outstanding Abstract Painting "Blood" 2015 - Artist of the Year - Tosca Magazine - Spring 2015 issue SKILLS: Extensive knowledge of art and folk art - paintings, prints, posters, etchings, pastels, watercolors, sculpture Extensive knowledge of vintage clothing and acessories, general antiques, vintage jewelry and their makers, ancient Roman, Greek and Medieval coins, stamps and currency, collectible toys, games and comic books, collectible American magazines EDUCATION 1967 Baltimore Polytechnic Institute - Baltimore, Maryland High School Diploma 1972-74 New York University New York City, Photography Diploma 1985-88 Conrad Miller Academy of Fine Art - Baltimore, Maryland Fine Art Painting Degree 1988-91 Maryland Institute College of Art - Baltimore Maryland Abstract Painting DegreeRon Barlow website View Gallery Ron Barlow website Purchase Art
Artist's Statement
The paint hits the canvas and I try not to think much about it ... at least during the basic construction of the forms and various elements. I completely trust my subconscious to create the werk with minimal interference from my cronic need to label or identify the shapes. Only after the initial creation is reasonably complete do I consciously add details to pull the painting together. I work almost exclusively in oil on canvas and employ the Meroger medium rather than turpentine and linseed oil. I have also created ceramic and sculptural pieces from time to time. The earliest memory I have with my love of art occured when I was 7 years old and won 2nd place in an art exhibition. The artists who influenced and inspired me are many... Graham Ingels, Wally Wood, Al Williamson, Frank Frazetta, Steve Ditko, James Ensor, and, of course, the Modernist powerhouses of the 20th century. I am still learning and being refreshed by artists of our age as well. The titles for my werks are purely personal and subjective ... the imagined meaning lies within the viewer.Featured Work

Featured Work: Photos
Sea of Green
Oil on Canvas
Notes From the Cave
Oil on Canvas
Oil on Canvs
None of my paintings are conceived or planned from the outset. As the piece progresses I further develop the figures and elements that have begun subconsciously. All of my pieces explore the complex nature and relationship of aquatic life, animals, mythic creatures and human forms. I began painting in earnest in the 1980's and have exhibited at various galleries in Santa Fe, New Mexico and Baltimore, Maryland. My academic studies were accomplished at New York University, the Conrad-Miller Fine Arts Academy and the Maryland Institute College of Art.
Melting Pot
Oil on Canvas
Oil on Canvas
Oil on Canvas