Sandra believes that art is community. Sandra’s goal as an artist is to engage the community in dialogue that focuses on current events, political topics and subject matter that is personal to her experiences and how she responds to those topics. The range can be environmental, family, and other social issues that are pervasive in our communities today and in the past. The use of a variety of materials, surfaces and mediums allows her work to be experimental and discovery.
About the Artist
ARTIST BIO Sandra Davis is a Maryland -based multidisciplinary artist that likes to experiment with materials with a focus on mixed media, using components like acrylic, found paper, including newspaper, and magazines, and other recyclable materials, working on a variety of surfaces. including found objects such as: Sandra's current work is a direct response to social issues happening in our country, including present grievances, inequality, and identity of others. Sandra’s art was included in an August 2020 internal article at Bank of America, where she is currently employed, to encourage conversations about social injustice and specifically how employees of color were dealing with the murder of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement. Issues such as equal pay, health disparity, housing and education, and the continued assault on people of color are all themes that fuel her work. Her images can be found on various surfaces including tabletops, tote bags, and wearable art. Sandra graduated from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh in 1981, where she met her husband Aaron of 41 years. By getting married at age 21 and raising two sons, her art career was put on hold where she pursued a career in retail and banking. In 2009 she was laid off and once again focused on her art. Her first solo was in 2012 at the Center for Green Urbanism. Sandra joined the Women’s Caucus for Art 2013 where she currently serves as the Exhibition Committee Chair. Sandra also serves as a board member for the National Women's Caucus for Art, 2022 conference committee member, as well as president elect for 2024. Sandra’s mission is to bring artists together, particularly women of color, to highlight their art and bring their ideas to the public. Sandra has curated and co-curated exhibitions for the Women’s Caucus for Art since 2019 and was instrumental in developing a member interview series titled “Do You Know Her” where members of Women’s Caucus for Art, Greater Washington chapter, have a platform to speak about their work. Sandra has been exhibiting with the City of Gaithersburg since 2010, where her work has been highlighted in local publications. Sandra is most proud of her co-curated exhibition titled “Why I Vote” in collaboration with the City of Gaithersburg’s 2020 celebration of the 19th Amendment Centennial ensuring that all women told the full story. Sandra also regularly shows her art throughout the DMV area. Sandra was also fortunate to receive a micro grant from aShe Fund in 2022 to help finance a personal project titled “The Chair Project” that included artists creating a personal statement utilizing the chair as the surface or canvas for their work. Sandra will continue this project with a focus on mental health and wellness in 2023 when she has received a Creativity Grant from Maryland Arts Council. Sandra recently had a piece commissioned by the City of Gaithersburg to be a part of their permanent collection and will be highlighted at the City’s new Municipal Center located at 16 Summit Ave Gaithersburg, MD 20877.Featured Work

Featured Work: Photos
My Color is Tired
Mixed media, paper and acrylic glaze
This piece is an illustration of how exhausted African American women are at this time. Mothers, Sisters, daughters that carry the heavy load of being a Black woman in America.
Equal Pay
Mixed Media, paper, acrylic
Image illustrating the pay inequity that women face that includes a difference by race.
Quilt Lady 2.0
Large quilt like piece with pockets to allow for interchangeable 4x4 mini collages to be incorporated in the overall image. This was a collaboration with the IWWC Interfaith Women's Work Center in Rockville MD that included some staff and residents.
A Home for Us
Mixed Media
This piece is a statement about single mothers and lack of affordable housing especially for women of color.
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Boxed In
Mixed Media
Boxed In is a social statement of how society wants to "box" in young men of color.
Our young men of color don't fit into a one size fits all stereotypical box.
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Looking Over My Shoulder
This piece was a direct response to the George Floyd Killing in 2020. As a mother of 2 sons, I feel they need to constantly look over their shoulders to ensure their safety.
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