About the Artist

For almost three decades, Tonicia “Toni” Poe, artist, has been crafting unique artwork. A Nanticoke/Lenni-Lenape Native, born in Delaware, she had a vision of what she wanted to do since childhood, and with her decision to create Tèh Handmade, she has finally brought her vision to fruition! She was once a military wife living in California, and it is still one of her favorite places to this day! Toni currently lives in Maryland close to the Potomac, with her beloved, talented family, which is overall very fun, centering and inspirational for her! Toni was recently a selling artist for her relief piece, “Vanessa”, in the Out of Order Exhibition at Maryland Art Place in Baltimore, Maryland. She successfully exhibited as a chosen artist at the RAW Artists Organization at the historic Howard Theatre in DC, also at the Annual Pancakes & Booze Festival-2017 event, and was awarded a Notable Artist status in the juried exhibition of Art Impact, USA, featured at the Pepco Edison Gallery in Washington, DC. She has also exhibited/contributed at several events to support the students of WU Media Wilberforce University in Xenia, Ohio. Toni also has a business partnership with her eldest daughter to provide safety training and emergency preparedness, is a homeschooler, and owns a technology integration business. She is a very busy bee! Toni is best described as a woman who eats all the fruits of life! She observes so much in her journey, and has the viewpoint that love transforms, heals and inspires.

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Artist's Statement

I am Toni Poe! :) I am a mixed media artist and jewelry creator, author, homeschooler, mom and business owner! I feel that I have a personal vision that allows me to utilize my gifts and talents in the most creative of ways. I transfer many elements of my dreams directly to canvas, or whatever other media strikes my fancy! I love and appreciate cultural differences in the world, and that directly translates into my works. My mix of technique, quality, and attention to detail still allows my creativity to shine through. For me, creating my art empire to bring my works to the public is a dream come true; allow me to share my creativity with you!

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