Vicki Favilla

About the Artist

Vicki Favilla began painting as a child in Montgomery County, MD.  She excelled in Art throughout her school years painting and drawing scenes from nature and portraiture.  She fell in love with the work of Henri Matisse, Paul Gaugin and Pablo Picasso.  While studying Art History in college, Vicki’s practical side took over and she began a full-time career in property management, causing her to set aside her art.  Married with two (now grown) children, Vicki always had the Itch to be an artist and found creative outlets through renovating and decorating homes with her husband, but it wasn’t enough.  She gave up property management and found the time she needed to paint.  The long break from art proved to be effective as it was during her art hiatus that she discovered her passion for Abstract Expressionism.  Since reengaging with her art Vicki has studied with artists Linda Benton McCloskey, Serena Barton and Maryland abstract artist, Calvin "Ed" Ramsburg.  Her work has been in many juried shows in Maryland, including The Delaplaine Arts Center.   Her abstract paintings have been described as bold and energetic, with a dramatic color palette that can be both invigorating and soothing at the same time.  Her expressionist paintings reflect her personality though musical inspiration and elements in nature.  Vicki paints daily in her Frederick, Maryland studio.

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Artist's Statement

Vicki Favilla is an Intuitive abstract painter: she lets the painting reveal itself and considers every painting a puzzle to be solved. Vicki's subject matter is actually the "process" of painting itself. Each layer she uses gives her information for the next. She continues to explore the dance between paint and marks by using experimental methods of application that demand spontaneity in gesture and thought, while maintaining an informed reason for every action that is taken. This is a challenging and illuminating experience because it pushes her further into the discovery of new possibilities. “I don’t tell the painting what to do, it tells me,” says Vicki. Vicki gets a physical jolt from abstract art, “It energizes me and makes me feel alive. When I am really into what I am doing, it is intoxicating. I live, dream and breathe it. Thinking of it constantly. Spending the day waiting until I can get to the canvas and let out my feelings and emotions.”

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