Vince LUPO

Photography, Visual / Media

About the Artist

Vince Lupo is originally from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and has been involved in photography since 1978. He has a Bachelor of Applied Arts degree in photography from Ryerson Polytechnic University in Toronto, and a Master of Fine Arts degree in photography from the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, GA. In 1997, Vince founded his own commercial photography firm, Direction One, Inc., based in Linthicum, MD.

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Artist's Statement

Through this work, I have documented situations that are part of life and our collective emotional experiences. These feelings can reveal themselves in our gestures, expressions, or even the physical environment. None of these images are planned, staged, or sought out. They are simply the records of places and human activities that presented themselves to me when I was ready for the unexpected. Oftentimes, the juxtaposition of seemingly disconnected elements within a scene can create tension and contrast, reveal a subtle metaphor, a striking irony, or a conversation among them. My role has been to catch these “invisible threads” that bind these elements together, to present a compelling narrative. However, recurring themes appear in this work, and are matters that have preoccupied me throughout this creative journey: The passage of time, isolation, and faith. And whether by accident or design, I seem to find scenes and situations that embody these thoughts and concerns. The creative path is neither orderly nor routine, and the images within these themes capture what I see as the surprise and joy of living, as well as the fear and uncertainty of the future. I never know what’s around the corner or where I’ll end up.

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