Marva Jo Camp headshot

Marva Jo Camp, Esq.

Marva Jo Camp, Esq. is an attorney in private practice.  She also serves on several boards, including the Prince George’s Economic Development Corporation.

Marva Jo has a long history working in the arts, including serving as chair of the Prince George’s Arts Council, member of the Prince George’s Arts in Public Places Panel, vice chair of Maryland Citizens for the Arts, and chair of the Prince George’s African American Museum and Cultural Center.  Marva Jo also played a key role in the development of the Prince George’s County Arts and Entertainment District.

Marva Jo is a passionate advocate for the arts because she has seen, firsthand, its impact in the areas of education, economic development, and individuals with developmental challenges.  She has also seen how the arts enrich lives, build communities, serve as a change agent, and simply make people happy.  Marva Jo is committed to expanding the circle of supporters, enthusiasts, and advocates for the arts.  She is particularly interested in building business support for the arts.

Marva Jo resides in Prince George’s County with her daughters, Jordan and Taylor.  She has an undergraduate degree from the University of Virginia and a law degree from the University of Virginia School of Law.