I was made to create, to share my inner dreams and experiences with the outer world.
About the Artist
I am an artist. It took me nearly 40 years to say that, despite 40 years of creativity that might say otherwise. My first love is photography. Decades after my introduction to the darkroom and all that is the glory of film, my photography business is booming and I’m thankful for many amazing clients and the freedom it gives me to set my own schedule and be there for my kids. But I missed working with my hands. When a local Silver Spring mosaic artist put out a call for interns, I jumped. Suddenly, I was in love again. On my first day I discovered a medium that spoke to me and a way to create that inspired me. My art doesn’t have hidden meanings. I like to make things that are accessible, eye catching, and enjoyable for all. At least for now. For me, the process is a kind of meditation. The therapeutic effects of cutting glass and placing each piece precisely where I want it? Huge. When I finish a project, it contains all the deep thoughts I have while working, processing my day, my self, my people, and my environment. I find inspiration anywhere. I adore the weird and the underdog. Mary Blair, Charley Harper, Saul Bass, Invisible Creature, Alexander McQueen, Wes Anderson, Radiohead. I love Muay Thai and would join a fight club if anyone ever talked about it. I’m a sucker for children’s lit but only those with excellent illustrations. Black tshirts. octopuses, and hedgehogs, chocolate and peaunut butter together, mittens instead of gloves. I want to take up graffitti art almost as much as I want to learn to throw a clay pot one of these days. I am an INFJ, a square peg who refuses to fit into your round hole.Featured Work

Featured Work: Photos
Glass and grout on wood
An emperor penguin father and chick.
For Sale
Contact the artist to purchase this piece
Glass and grout on wood
A fox in the grass
For Sale
Contact the artist to purchase this piece
Notorious Dissent
Glass and grout on wood
My homage to the great Ruth Bader Ginsberg. 24" round mosaic with 10" mirror in the center. RBG's famous dissent collar created in glass and steel beads. SOLD
Glass and grout on wood
Commissioned piece (SOLD)
Booking Price: < $500
For photography sessions or mosaic commissions, please email me at katiemcmurry@gmail.com