"Heidi Mordhorst has the wonderful ability of helping multilingual learners express their thoughts and feelings through poetry. She is adept at supporting students of different ages as they develop language skills and engage in collaborative and creative writing projects. Ms. Mordhorst helps students understand the power of writing and helps all students see themselves as poets.”
-- Montgomery County ESOL/ELD Teacher
About the Artist
Heidi Mordhorst is a working poet and teacher who has taught in diverse classrooms for 35 years. She is the author of two collections of poetry for young readers (SQUEEZE: POEMS FROM A JUICY UNIVERSE and PUMPKIN BUTTERFLY: POEMS FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF NATURE, both Wordsong) and many contributions to journals and anthologies for adults and children, most recently POETRY BY CHANCE (Button Poetry) and DEAR HUMAN ON THE EDGE OF TIME: POEMS ON CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE US (Paloma Press). Heidi recently served a 3-year term on the NCTE Excellence in Poetry Award Committee. Since 2003 Heidi has offered writing PD and literacy enrichment programs for ages 4-11 in both public and private settings, and she now leads multiarts poetry programming for young writers through her organization WHISPERshout Writing Workshop. It is her mission to offer art + nature + culture + poetry experiences to ALL kids, regardless of means.Heidi Mordhorst - WHISPERshout Writing Workshop website WHISPERshout Writing Workshop Heidi Mordhorst - WHISPERshout Writing Workshop website Blog: my juicy little universe
Artist's Statement
What is a WHISPERshout Workshop? In a WHISPERshout writing workshop, young readers and writers work with veteran classroom teacher, published poet, and early literacy specialist Heidi Mordhorst. Each program has a planned outline, but in consultation with the teachers who know them best, Heidi considers the needs and interests of the students and adjusts the content to match. Students receive support at their level of reading and writing development while simultaneously participating in a socially and emotionally rich group literacy experience. All kids are enabled to participate and succeed. Each class session ranges from 60-90 minutes to allow time for this creative/academic work. Heidi is available for single-session workshops but prefers an engagement of 2-4 sessions in order to develop relationships with students and create an experience of artistic expression with long-lasting impact.Featured Work
Featured Work: Photos
Heidi Mordhorst - Books & Anthologies
Two Poems for Earth Day 2020
In this video I share two unpublished poems, one written for kids and one for adults, on global warming.Medium: PoetryYear: 2009/2020
Booking Price: $500-$1,000
Please visit https://www.whispershoutwritingworkshop.net/contact or email me directly to start a conversation about your needs. I look forward to working with you and your students!
I bring all materials needed for writing activities and can work with or without a computer projection screen/smartboard. If artmaking is planned, I may ask the school to provide materials.
I prefer for fuel-emissions reasons to work within 1 hour of my home in Silver Spring, MD, but I'm very willing to discuss engagements anywhere in Maryland. I'm currently most available MWF with the possibility of TTh.
Ellen Wellen, 4th Grade Teacher, Cloverly Elementary - ellen_m_wellen@mcpsmd.org
Joela Paik, Media Specialist, Rock View Elementary - joela_paik@mcpsmd.org
Laura Shovan, Poet & Middle-Grade Author - laurashovan@gmail.com
Arts in Education
Audiences Types: Grades Pre-K – 2, Grades 3-5, English Language Learners, Educators